My Offers

Select the format you need for enhanced intercultural competence:

Personal Leadership

In engaging ambiguity we allow new possibilities to arise, we find our goals in this VUCA world: how can we respond to ambiguous situations, decision points and conflict with mindfulness?

Intercultural Coaching

Changes in the "new normality"  create  uncertainty and liminality. "be intentional"! We create new visions between what was and what will be: "less busy more focused" 

"Close despite distance"  Project management  in a virtual  space

In this re-set world  we develop new structures, we recognize and avoid “stumbling blocks” and create a  trustfull virtual world!

Intercultural Training

Cross cultural and culture specific US and UK seminars or Germany trainings for expats. Intercultural competence is a prerequisite for success. 

Team Development

Only with trust can we efficiently and effectively achieve the goal to “form, storm, norm and perform in teams.